Lockdown and Coronavirus (COVID-19) information at NP Photography - Newborn, Baby and Family Photography

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NP Photography studio based in Vaughan is temporarily closed until restrictions are lifted; due to the extension of Ontario State of Emergency in which all non-essentials businesses have to suspend operations. We have suspended all our newborn, baby and family sessions until after May 19th.  For the safety of all, we are following guidelines set by the CDC and the stay at home order.

When we are able to re-open the studio, we will continue to ensure your well-being is of the utmost importance and for this, we will be implementing the following precautions:

The studio and use of props and equipment:

  • All used materials, wraps, maternity gowns, props and camera equipment will be cleaned and sanitized after each session

  • All high touch areas and surfaces, including door knobs, light switches, sitting areas will be cleaned and sanitized after each session

  • Only one session will be scheduled per day thereby providing sufficient time to sanitize the area and allowing it to be ready for the next client

The Photographer:

  • The photographer will be wearing gloves, face mask and an apron before handling your baby

  • The photographer will sanitize camera and lenses prior to using it at your session

  • For your protection, if the photographer is feeling unwell, your session will be rescheduled

When you arrive at the Studio:

  • Shoes to be removed by the entrance and hand sanitizer will be provided

  • Customers will wear gloves and face masks. If required these can be provide

  • For the protection and safety of all, if you or your family are feeling unwell, please do let us know immediately so that we can reschedule your appointment. In addition, if you or your family member have traveled abroad or have any of theses symptoms - runny nose, cough, fever, headache or chills then please do reschedule your appointment

Staying informed:

Stay safe and healthy and we are here to help you in any way we can.

Wishing everyone well,

Noorulain at NP Photography

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Newborn - COVID19


Why Hire a Professional Newborn Photographer?